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User management
Jenna Boccia avatar
Written by Jenna Boccia
Updated over 2 years ago

Role required: Customer Admin or Channel Admin. See User roles.

User accounts identify who can access Medallia LivingLens and what permissions they have while using the system. Every person that logs in to LivingLens needs their own user account. Every user account has access to one or more LivingLens channels and the media therein.

User profiles display user account information, the LivingLens channels a user has access to, and which role and permissions the user has for each channel.

User roles determine what functionality a user has access to in a channel and what screens those users can see. See User roles. User roles are assigned to a user on a per channel basis. The exception is the Customer Admin user role, which automatically provides the user access to every channel in the Customer group.

By managing users and roles, you control who can access LivingLens, what channels the user can access and what functionality is available to the user in the channel.

See the following topics for additional details about user management:

LivingLens does not currently support user deletion. To deactivate a user so they cannot log in to LivingLens, see Available actions. To manage the channels a user has access to, see Manage user profile.

User Management screen

The User management screen lists all users you have permission to see. Click Users to access User Management and view and manage users.

Use the Search, Status, and Channel options at the top of the screen to filter the list of users.

  • Search searches the Email field, and the First Name and Last Name fields provided they have text input on the user profile.

  • The Status menu toggles between a display of users that are Active, Disabled, and Awaiting Activation. For a description of these statuses, see Available actions.

  • The Channel menu displays all channels you have permission to see. Scroll through the menu or type the channel name in the search field and select a specific channel to display its users.

Tip: To return to the default view of all users after selecting a channel from the Channel menu, open the Channel menu and select All Channels.

The User Management screen displays the following information about users:

  • Email — The user account email, required for user creation.

  • First Name — The user’s First Name if input for the user account. May be blank.

  • Last Name — The user’s Last Name if input for the user account. May be blank.

  • Active — Indicates when the user is active (checkmark) or inactive or awaiting activation (‘x’).

  • Channel Role — Displays a user’s role in the selected channel. Appears blank when no channel is selected.

Click any table heading to sort the corresponding column alphabetically.

The User Management screen lists up to 20 users per page. Use the numbered page buttons in the bottom left to scroll between pages of users.

Available actions

Actions change the account status or allow you to change the account details. For each account, one of these buttons displays to indicate the current status and to allow you to change it:

  • Active — Power button is green. User is currently active. Displayed when a user is able to access the platform via a password or SAML authentication. Click the power button (red) to deactivate the user. See Restriction below.

  • Awaiting Activation — Purple mail tray button. The account exists but the user has not set a password to activate it. Click the purple Resend registration email button to resend the activation welcome email to prompt the user to create a password. This can be re-sent once every 24 hours.

    Restriction: Awaiting Activation is only available to Customer Admins.

  • Inactive — Power button is red. User is currently inactive and cannot log in to the LivingLens platform. Click the power button (green) to reactivate the user.

Edit this user profile — Edit the user profile and add, edit, or delete user access to a channel.

Restriction: LivingLens does not currently support user deletion. To deactivate a user so they cannot log in to LivingLens, deactivate the account by clicking their Active (green) button to Inactive (red). Customer Admins can only deactivate a user if they solely have access to channels in your Customer group. Channel Admins can only deactivate a user if they solely have access to channels you are Channel Admin of. If the user has access to additional channels that you are not Admin of, the platform does not deactivate the user and displays a message Failed to save change to active status of user. To manage or remove the channels a user has access to, see Manage user profile.

Create a new user

These steps manually create a LivingLens user account and should be used when the user solely needs access to LivingLens.

To use SAML authentication to create accounts at your organization, contact your Medallia expert.

To create a new LivingLens user account:

  1. On the User Management screen, click Create New Profile.

  2. On the Create New User screen, enter the user email address.

  3. It is optional but recommended to enter the user’s first name and last name.

  4. Add a channel to the user profile. An account must have at least one channel. Customer Admins can only view and add channels in their Customer group. Channel Admins can only view and add channels they are Channel Admin of.

    To add a channel:

    1. Click the Select A Channel To Add Permissions menu.

    2. Scroll to the channel name or type the channel name in the search field.

    3. Click the channel name so it appears in the menu and click Add Channel.

    4. The Permissions By Channel Name section appears beneath the menu. Select the permissions for the user to have in the channel.

      1. By default, the user is given the Standard user role. Select the user role from the role menu. For more information, see User roles.

      2. Assign Add On user roles by selecting the radio buttons for Mobile, Analytics, and/or Shared Content Viewer. If the user role is Pro or Channel Admin, you may select ​Shareable Links Creator​. For more information, see User roles.

    5. (Optional) Add additional changes per the steps above.

    6. Use the toggles on the left side of the screen for programmatic account management. Your Medallia expert will communicate if required.

      1. SAML user — Deactivated (grey) by default. Only toggle to activate (green) when converting a pre-existing user account to a SAML-authenticated user account. Contact your Medallia expert for more information.

      2. Embed user — Deactivated (grey) by default. Only toggle to activate (green) when creating a service user account. Contact your Medallia expert for more information.

    5. Click Save. This automatically creates the user and sends them a welcome email. For more information, see LivingLens access.

Manage user profile

Manage a user’s profile to assign access to additional channels, edit or remove existing channel permissions, and update user account information. Use this screen to view all channels a user has access to.

Note: Customer Admins and Channel Admins cannot edit their own roles on their user profile.

From the User Management screen, find the user and click Edit this user profile to access the Edit User screen.

Add a channel to a user account:

  1. Click the Select A Channel To Add Permissions menu.

  2. Scroll to the channel name or type the channel name in the search field.

  3. Click the channel name so it appears in the menu and click Add Channel.

  4. Channels are listed in alphabetical order in the Permissions By Channel Name section. Locate the new channel and select the permissions for the user to have in it.

    1. By default, the user is given the Standard user role. Select the user role from the role menu. For more information, see User roles.

    2. Assign Add On user roles by selecting the radio buttons for Mobile, Analytics, and/or Shared Content Viewer. If the user role is Pro or Channel Admin, you may select ​Shareable Links Creator​. For more information, see User roles.

  5. (Optional) Add additional changes per the steps above.

  6. Click Save to save changes to the user profile.

Manage channel permissions:

For any channel listed in the Permissions By Channel Name section, edit a specific channel permissions:

  • Select an alternative user role from the role menu.

  • Select or deselect the radio buttons for Mobile, Analytics, Shared Content Viewer and/or Shareable Links Creator. For more information, see User roles.

  • Remove the user’s access to the channel by clicking Trash followed by Delete.

    Note: An account must have at least one channel.

  • Suspend the user's access to the channel by clicking the power button from active (green) to inactive (red).

  • Unsuspend the user's access to the channel by clicking the power button from inactive (red) to active (green).

Click Save to save changes to the user profile.

Removing a user's access to a channel is analogous to deleting it for the user. If you are a Customer Admin or Channel Admin with a user that only has access to channels which you directly manage and they have left your program or your company, use the Remove functionality and their access will be entirely revoked.

Suspend a user's access if they currently do not require access to the channel but may need it in the future, so the channel and role settings will not need to manually be re-added. Additionally, if a user has left your program but may be back in the future, you can suspend their access and reactivate them when they return.

If you cannot deactivate a user and need to restrict access to LivingLens, suspend the user’s access to all channels in your Customer group.

Edit the user profile:

  • First Name — Input or edit text.

  • Last Name — Input or edit text.

  • User Default channel — Every LivingLens user has a Default channel. This is the channel that loads after login. By default, the Default channel is the first channel a user is given access to. Edit the default channel by selecting one from the User Default Channel menu.

  • Suspend All Channels Click to suspend the user's access to all channels in all the Customer groups you have access to.

  • Remove All Permissions — Click to remove all channel permissions for a user. After all existing permissions are removed, add at least one new channel to Save the user.

Click Save to save changes to the user profile.

Note: User Email is not editable after the user is created. If a user email was input incorrectly when the user was created, create a new user using the correct email.

Cancel Changes — Click Cancel Changes to exit the Edit User screen without saving. The user profile maintains all permissions last saved.

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