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Showreels: Overview
Showreels: Overview
Written by Jeremy Shapero
Updated over a week ago

Role required: Customer Admin, Channel Admin, or Pro. See User roles.

A showreel is an insight film. It is comprised of clips from media in a LivingLens channel. Each channel has a showreel editor that allows users to adjust the order of their clips, add text overlay, and generate a downloadable .MP4 file.

Use showreels to bring key themes, attitudes and behaviors to life using the voice of the consumer as captured in channel media.

Determine which clips are in a showreel at the time of clip creation. Clips cannot be moved from one showreel to another. See Media View: Make a clip.

Every showreel has an owner. This is typically the user that creates the showreel. The showreel owner can add clips to the showreel and edit it. Transfer ownership to another channel user to pass on editing capability.

The Showreels screen lists all showreels in a channel. By default, a user's showreels are displayed in chronological order with the most recently created or modified listed first. Use the Owner menu to toggle between a list of your showreels and all users' showreels in the channel.

Overview of Showreels screen

A screenshot of the LivingLens Showreels screen.

The Showreels screen displays the following information about all showreels in a channel.

  • Name — The showreel name made with the first clip. Can be edited in the Edit screen.

  • Duration — Total duration of the showreel including clips and transition slides.

  • Clips — Number of clips and transition slides.

  • Modified — Date of most recent activity. Default is the creation date and it is updated with the date of the most recent edit.

  • Owner — Identifies the showreel owner, displays the user email.

  • Status

    • Editable — The showreel is available to edit and add clips. Displays for the showreel owner.

    • View Only — The showreel is editable but owned by another channel user. View this showreel but you are unable to make edits or add clips.

    • Generated — the showreel is generated for download. Any channel Pro user can download.

Available actions

Edit — Edit the showreel. Available when a showreel is editable and you are the showreel owner. See Showreel Editor.

Transfer Ownership — Transfer ownership and the ability to edit the showreel to another Pro user of the channel.

To transfer ownership:

  1. Click Transfer Ownership.

  2. Search for the email of the desired user.

  3. Select the user email from the list.

  4. Click Confirm.

Note: Customer Admin and Channel Admin users can transfer ownership of any showreel to another Customer Admin, Channel Admin, or Pro user of the channel.

View — View another user's editable showreel.

Copy — Make an editable copy of any showreel, provided all changes have been saved by the showreel owner. Any Pro user can make a copy.

To copy a showreel:

  1. Click Copy.

  2. Type in a showreel name.

  3. Click Copy.

Delete — Delete a showreel. Once deleted, a showreel is irretrievable. Any Pro user can delete a showreel.

Download — Download a generated showreel. Available when a showreel is generated. The showreel downloads as a 720p .MP4 file unless all original media uploaded at 480p or less.

Publish to Media Library — Displays the showreel as a playable video with a thumbnail in the Media Library. Available when a showreel is generated. Only the showreel owner can Publish to Media Library.

Hide from Media Library — Remove a published showreel from the Media Library. Available when a showreel is generated and published in the Media Library. Only the showreel owner can Hide from Media Library.

See Showreels: Showreel editor for information about editing and generating a showreel.

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