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Media Library: Data Export
Media Library: Data Export

Download channel data and transcripts in a file.

Written by Jeremy Shapero
Updated over a week ago

Role required: Customer Admin, Channel Admin or Pro. See User roles.

A LivingLens channel Data Export is a file containing video and audio transcripts and select media data.

The Data Export is available as:

  • a .CSV file (Excel, Numbers, Google Sheets)

  • a .TXT file (TextEdit, Notepad)

  • an .XLSX file (Excel)

To generate and retrieve the Data Export.

  1. Click Data Export in the Media Library.

  2. Click the carrot icon to the left of the channel name and select Exports.

  3. On the Exports screen, find the Data Export request. The newest request appears at the top of the Export list.

  4. To initiate download

    1. Click Download (CSV) for the .CSV

    2. Click Download (Excel) for the .XLSX file

    3. To retrieve the .TXT download

      Chrome — Right click Download (TXT) button, select Save Link As..., select/confirm destination and Save
      Safari — Right click Download (TXT) button, select Download Linked File
      Firefox — Right click Download (TXT) button, select Save Link As..., select/confirm destination and Save

Tip: The Data Export pulls transcripts and data from the media displayed in the Media Library. Use Search or Filters to access section of media, such as by Country, CaptureMe project, or programmed survey Custom filters. Click the Data Export icon to only download the transcripts and data for the selected media displayed in the Media Library.

Information in a Data Export

  • Media Id — the unique identifier in the media LivingLens URL

  • Type — the media type

  • Duration — Video and Audio duration in seconds. Image value is 0.

  • Title

  • Description — blank unless media has a description

  • Tags — blank unless tags are applied

  • CountryCode — two digit country code

  • Country — Country name

  • LanguageCode — media language code

  • Language — Language name

  • NativeTranscription — Video and Audio spoken word transcription

  • TranscriptionType — the spoken word transcription service

  • EnglishTranslation — Video and Audio non-English to English translation transcript

  • TranslationType — the English translation service

  • Facial — Facial Emotion Analysis data. Blank unless this service is enabled.

  • Tone — Deprecated service, no longer offered. Tone Emotion Analysis data. Blank unless legacy data is available.

  • Object — Object Recognition data. Blank unless this service is enabled.

  • EnglishTranscriptionSentiment — Sentiment Analysis aggregate sentiment value

  • Filters — one column for each filter applied to media. Format is Filter group:Filter value.

It is not possible to configure the Data Export to add or remove columns.

Exports screen

The Exports screen shows all users' Data Export requests and is where users download Data Export files. Any Customer Admin or Pro user can view all channel Data Export requests and download all Data Export files.

Click Delete export next to any Data Export request to remove it.

The main use case for deleting a request is to organize the Exports screen and consolidate the list of requests to only the most useful. Any Customer Admin or Pro user can delete any Data Export request. If deleted, the Date Export needs to be re-generated from the Media Library.

If a user generates a Data Export based on a search term, the search term appears in the Exports screen Name column.

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